
VP Wellbeing and Community End of Year Blog

VP Wellbeing and Community End of Year Blog

When I became an officer last year this was the headline of my manifesto, where I detailed a small set of expectations for the year that can be reduced to: change the prizes on student housing, improving the university’s mental health services, promote transparency of the institutional structure and resources (both at a union and…

2nd September 2020

VP Academic's End of Year Blog

VP Academic’s End of Year Blog

I’m not the type of person who likes to look too far into my own future, something to do with not wanting to predict things and give myself too many expectations. When I started my role as VP Academic I did have some ideas about what the next year would look like. I had a…

2nd September 2020

President's End of Year Blog

President’s End of Year Blog

Hello all, as I approach the end of my first year as the President of the GSA, I wanted to reflect on the academic year behind and share with you what I have been doing for the last twelve months. Oh my, what a year that was! 2 rounds of Industrial action, Brexit, and a…

2nd September 2020

GTA Blog

GTA Blog

If you’ve been a postgrad at the University of York for a while you’ll probably remember that the GSA supported the UCU strikes this year to throw our support behind the Four Fights but in particular the fight against casualisation. We felt that we couldn’t be a postgraduate students union without supporting our postgrads in…

24th August 2020

Mental Health Survey

Mental Health Survey

Hi everyone! I am Clara and I am the Wellbeing and Community Officer at the GSA. After a couple of months pausing it, I am launching a survey on the provision of Mental Health Services at University of York. My objective is to gather your opinions and thoughts of the services provided and use the…

18th August 2020

Announcement of GSA Annual General Meeting

York Graduate Students’ Association Notice of  AGM This is the official notice that York Graduate Students’ Association will be holding the Annual General Meeting as per the following details: WHAT: York Graduate Students’ Association Annual General Meeting WHEN: Monday 3rd August, 5pm WHERE: To be held on Google Hangouts Come and find out what we…

14th July 2020

Student Housing and Accommodation under Covid-19

Student Housing and Accommodation under Covid-19

By Clara (VP Wellbeing and Community Officer) CHALLENGES As sabbatical officers, we know that housing is always a key issue for students throughout the year, but the inequalities and issues within student housing have been drastically highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, with sky high rents tipping students into hardship even quicker. We are living through…

12th June 2020

Continuation Fees Waived

Continuation Fees Waived

Hello everyone, l hope you are all well. Due to my candidacy in the GSA Elections for 2020/21 Academic year, l was unable to share with you the great news that l had over the past few weeks. We ticked off another item from my list of current projects and l am extremely happy about…

8th June 2020

The GSA Supports Black Lives Matter

The GSA Supports Black Lives Matter

By the GSA Sabbatical Team In view of the recent episode of brutal violence against George Floyd in Minnesota, the GSA would like to stand in solidarity with people of colour and the #BlackLivesMatter movement.  As a postgraduate student union, we have a responsibility and duty to recognise and actively oppose how racism is intertwined…

3rd June 2020

The BEST Podcasts

The BEST Podcasts

We’ve been doing this work from home thing for a few weeks now and I know that I’m rapidly approaching the end of my Netflix. If you’re like me and looking for something entertaining that you can listen to while baking your second loaf of bread then I’ve got a list for you! Some of…

7th April 2020