
Reflections on Decolonising the University of York

Reflections on Decolonising the University of York

Presentation delivered by Clara Garcia, VP Wellbeing and Community to the ILTA Steering Group at the University of York Hi everyone, and thank you for inviting me to this forum to present the work done by the student unions in the past year. Today I wanted to contribute to this conversation with some general notes…

24th November 2020

Students Support fund: juggling between university applications forms 

Students Support fund: juggling between university applications forms 

By Clara M. Garcia (VP Wellbeing and Community) Overview The barriers to access to get assistance funding from UoY are a deterrent to students in need. Applications take too long to fill in, with specific evidence required that can put off students in need and with an excess of personal data being requested to share….

23rd November 2020

York GSA By-Elections Announcement

York GSA By-Elections Announcement

This October, the GSA held their annual autumn elections to elect students into Part-Time Officer, Course Representative, GTA Representative and Scrutiny Officer positions. With over 200 nominations for roles, we were thrilled to fill lots of these positions. However, not all these roles were filled and some roles students voted to re-open nominations. Therefore, in…

5th November 2020

Faculty Representative Elections Results

Faculty Representative Elections Results

Over the last few days, your newly elected Course Representatives have been voting to elect your Faculty Representatives for the 20/21 academic year. We can now announce that the results are as follows:   Faculty Representative for Sciences: Chris Murray – 5 votes Harry Whish – 2 votes RON (RE-Open Nominations) – 1 vote Chris…

4th November 2020

GSA Statement on new Lockdown measures

GSA Statement on new Lockdown measures

In light of the Government announcement of a second period of lockdown measures in England, we, as the GSA’s Sabbatical Officer Team, wanted to address the concerns you might have. Even before the lockdown was announced, we have been working hard to move our activities and events online and provide you the support that you…

3rd November 2020

Course Rep Election Results

Course Rep Election Results

Over the last week, you have been voting in our Autumn 2020 Elections for Course Representatives and GTA Representatives. Voting was open between 14th and 21st October. Well done to all of the candidates who put themselves forward for positions and have been campaigning all week! Find out who you have voted for as your…

22nd October 2020

GSA Autumn Elections 2020 Part Time Officer Results

GSA Autumn Elections 2020 Part Time Officer Results

Over the last week, you have been voting in our Autumn 2020 Elections for Part-Time Officers. Voting was open between 14th and 21st October. Well done to all of the candidates who put themselves forward for positions and have been campaigning all week! Find out who you have voted for as your new Part-Time Officers…

22nd October 2020

Decolonise University of York SU's Vision

Decolonise University of York SU’s Vision

Read the full vision here In October 2019, GSA VP Wellbeing&Community, GSA VP Academic, and YUSU Academic Officer initiated a campaign to decolonise and diversify the University of York. The focus of the campaign was to work with student groups in order to deliver to the University a vision of our contributions in the task…

13th October 2020

Welcome Week Update

Welcome Week Update

Over the past few weeks, the GSA staff team has been tirelessly at work, planning our Welcome Week for incoming Postgraduate students. There’s been some key developments in the past few weeks, particularly the recent government guidelines which limit socialising in groups of more than six, which have forced us to reevaluate our plans. We’ve…

15th September 2020

Meet Our Events and Communities Coordinator

Meet Our Events and Communities Coordinator

Hi, I’m Hazel and I’m the part-time Events and Communities Coordinator at the GSA. I’m also a postgraduate student here at the University of York and I’m working towards my MA in Eighteenth Century literature. Every year the GSA organises one of the only postgraduate-specific Welcome Weeks in the UK. There are events and activities…

8th September 2020